Making Time for Reflection (Blog Post #7)
Questions to reflect on: 1. What did I enjoy about this course? 2. What was the most interesting thing I learned? 3. What do I want to...
A Random Musing (Blog Post #6)
As we near the end of the course, I realize I've had very little time to actually reflect on my learning. The two courses I took this...
Meditation and Teaching (Blog Post #5)
After reading Teaching as Contemplative Professional Practice, I realized there is a very unique opportunity for a meditation practice to...
A Generational Comparison Continued (Blog Post #4)
Out of all the differences I've observed between my learning and that of the children I work with, the one that frustrates me the most is...
A Generational Comparison (Blog post #3)
At the moment, I am assisting two school-aged children with their homework after school. One is in grade 4 and the other is in grade 6....
Technology- Online Language Learning (Blog Post #2)
After my first blog post, I started to think about learning a language online (or independently). My only experience learning a new...
Technology and Language Learning (Blog post #1)
Technology and Language Learning Blog Entry #1 How has technology influenced the way we learn a second language? This question has...